Hi, I’m Paul Hammond, Founder
Welcome to Zen Hill Property.
With 20+ years experience as a project manager and start-up entrepreneur, I’ve gathered the skills necessary to build and steer Zen Hill Property towards success.
Using the profits from my previous ventures, I founded Zen Hill to create an investment portfolio that I could have strategic direction over its growth and that aligned to my values.
Backed by Investors
At Zen Hill, we’re committed to building a strong portfolio of properties for the long-term while ensuring our investors profit right away.
We use investor funds to grow, upgrade and manage our portfolio, while our investors sit back and enjoy regular, fixed-rate returns on their cash.
A Crack Team of Industry Experts
We’ve assembled a power team of tried-and-tested industry professionals to ensure we’ve got the best skillset for every investment project.
We work closely with the same solicitors, brokers, builders, letting agents and consultants, who work as one joined-up unit to ensure we succeed every time.
We’d love to here from you!
For any queries, or to discuss becoming an investor, please feel free to reach out to us.